Friday, August 29, 2008

Bad toothache!

Emeline started complaining on Saturday that her tooth hurt. This is not typical. Something really has to bother her really bad for her to even mention it to me. I called the dentist and they got her in yesterday. They took xrays and found out the tooth they had caped several months back become infected. BAD news....they were going to have to remove it. It was a baby tooth. I knew as soon as I walked up to the denist chair that the news wasn't settling good with Emme. He had already told her. He offered to get it taken care of right now. I said that was fine. I asked Emme if she was going to be okay. She nodded yes. They gave her nirtic oxide and she did well. This was actually the third time she had been given laughing gas for dental procedures. I felt so bad for her. This would be the 5th tooth they pulled out of her mouth. I always joke she has her Dad's mouth!

I let her take the rest of the day off. Her sister Lexis had come home earlier for coughing and fever. She was diagnosed later that night with pneumonia. I hope no one else gets it!

Emeline was very tired so she slept most of the afternoon. This morning she felt so much better. She always just goes with the flow of life. I couldn't ask for a better, well behaved kid.

I did have to ground her last week for leaving on her bike and not coming home for 3 hours. She goes to play and she forgets to tell me where she is going. That scares me. She does leave notes now so at least I know where she is playing.


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